Tag Archives: Air Conditioning

Why Clean Filters are Critical

Go poke around inside your furnace and you’ll likely find a folded sheet (like an accordion) or a fibrous mesh. That’s the filter and it’s typically located just before the cooling coil and heat exchanger.

Why does your air system need a filter?

The filter protects the furnace itself. Dust from your home gets drawn into the unit through the return ductwork. Without a filter, this dust would build up on the fan, heat exchanger and coil, reducing efficiency and eventually causing failure.


An overview of residential HVAC filters

Residential filters are either flat (made from fibreglass) or pleated (made from various materials). Filter efficiency is indicated by its Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV). The larger the MERV, the more particles it can capture.


More efficient filters have larger pressure drops as the air flows through. This makes the fan work harder, lowering system efficiency. You need to balance your furnace fan capabilities and energy use with the level of protection you want from your filter.


There are many levels of residential filters – from the most basic with a MERV 4 to HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance) filters capable of capturing microscopic particles. For typical households, MERV 8 gives the right balance between efficiency and air cleanliness. If a family member has respiratory problems, you may have to go to a higher MERV value for your furnace.


Reasons to keep it clean

Freer airflow: Dirty filters prevent the air from flowing through them. This reduces the amount of heating and cooling your furnace can do. One major issue is that you can freeze your evaporator coil if the airflow across it is too low, eventually causing your AC unit to fail.


Efficiency: Because your fan has to work harder to pull the air through a dirty coil, the system efficiency drops off as the unit consumes more electricity. A clean filter that allows airflow will keep your consumption down.


Cleaner air overall: If the filter is choked up with dust and the air isn’t flowing freely, dust can settle in other parts of your ductwork and your home, providing breeding grounds for mold, dust mites, bacteria and allergens.


How to do it

Most furnace filters are disposable. The replacement frequency depends on multiple factors. Smokers, pet owners and people with allergies will need to replace it more often. The thickness and type also have an impact. Thicker filters need to be replaced more often, and fibreglass filters must be changed sooner than pleated filters.


If you’re concerned about the state of your filter, give us a call and we’ll make sure you (and your furnace) breathe easier.


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Green – Are You Nuts!

“We, in the green movement, aspire to a cultural model in which killing a forest will be considered more contemptible and more criminal than the sale of 6-year-old children to Asian brothels.” — Carl Amery
We, as average hard working Americans, are constantly bombarded by all the “experts” telling us that our duty is to be “Green” to Burton & Sons Heating, Plumbing, Air Conditioningsave the planet above all else. We are to use one square of toilet paper when we have a bowel movement. We are to drive vehicles that someone in Washington determines are right for us. We are to use light bulbs that may create more damage to the environment and our health than the old ones. We are told to build homes with zero energy use even though the lack of infiltration and air exchange is unhealthy. We are told to be happy to pay fees and taxes that go to give rebates on expensive appliances that are far more complex and may never meet the energy saving they tout. We are asked to give our utilities extra payments each month so they can build inefficient solar and wind electric generating farms. Where is the common sense about any of this?
No, we are not believers in wasting resources or being foolish about how we spend our dollars. We are to be stewards of this earth the Lord has given us. But we are believers in the free market and the free choices each of us should have. If you decide you want to buy a gas guzzler it should be your right. If you want to use incandescent light bulbs it should be your right. If you want to use 4 or 6 or 10 sheets of toilet paper to wipe your bottom, it should be your right. If you want an inefficient AC unit, it should be your right to make that decision. If you want to leave a door open or a window with the furnace running, it should be your right. We are all tired of those who think they are so much smarter than each of us, telling us they know what we should be doing.
Burton & Sons Save you dollars.  Here is a solution to the maybe climate change or the maybe energy crisis. Let’s us some common sense in America and keep some “green” in our wallets. We can evolve our products and services over time rather than radical changes which are expensive and often add nothing to saving the planet. We can drill for oil and natural gas anywhere and do it safely. We can have nuclear plants that are safe and clean. We can drive automobiles with gas engines that put out very little pollution. We can have faucets made of brass with small amounts of lead without injuring out kids. If we can send men to the moon, we can figure out how to do these things safely and without pollution. We can let the market place determine what we buy not bureaucrats. We are smart enough to know what each will cost upfront and during the life cycle. If some of us don’t, then we should start looking at our school systems and what we are teaching our children. We should have the choice!
Although we have limits on the products we can provide you as a homeowner, we will give you choices of the available products that will best meet your needs today and into the foreseeable future. Call today and let’s find the best solution to your needs!

You too can find unique and helpful ways to save on your utilities each month. Just download our FREE eBook with 99+ ideas you can put into effect now to save. Many won’t cost you a dime to put into practice!

Phone us for more information or visit our website at

Burton & Sons Inc. is a customer focused plumbing, heating, and cooling service company that was originally started in 1979. Located in Garden City, MI, we employ highly trained people whose goal is to make our company the best service company in Metropolitan Detroit Area.

Check out these related articles:

Myths About Heating & Cooling your home!

How To Select A Contractor

Why Burton and Sons?


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Is Your Home Your Castle?

Burton & Sons PlumbingBurton & Sons Air Conditioning Service

Whether this is your home……………………………..or this one is your home, you expect a Service Technician to respect your property!

Burton & Sons Furnace ServiceBurton & Sons Boiler Service               

You’re not expecting debris left behind or your home damaged!

One of the biggest fears a homeowner has when needing a Service Technician for their plumbing, air conditioning, heating, electrical or pool heater service is how that Technician going to treat my home! We all know of a friend or family member who had a Service Technician in their home and they damaged the home or left a big mess when they left. Fear not any longer!

Each of our Technicians is vetted prior to hiring. We carefully check their driving records, their previous employment, a thorough background check and several interviews before they can become part of our team. We then have them travel with a Senior Technician so they understand the way we respect a customer’s property, how we expect the job to be done right the first time, and how we treat each customer with the courtesy and respect they deserve! To insure that this continues we have on-going customer service training and roll playing regularly! Each customer concern is taken seriously. If a Technician does not treat a customer with respect, or respect the customer’s home or can seem to satisfy our customers, we first discuss it with them and if the behavior continues, they become someone else’s employee!

If you ever have an issue with one of our Technicians, please contact our Customer Care Department and express your concern. We want you to be a fully satisfied lifetime customer!

You too can find unique and helpful ways to save on your utilities each month. Just download our FREE eBook with 99+ ideas you can put into effect now to save. Many won’t cost you a dime to put into practice!

Phone us for more information or visit our website at

Burton & Sons Inc. is a customer focused plumbing, heating, and cooling service company that was originally started in 1979. Located in Garden City, MI, we employ highly trained people whose goal is to make our company the best service company in Metropolitan Detroit Area.

Check out these related articles:

Myths About Heating & Cooling your home!

How To Select A Contractor

Why Burton and Sons?


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Why Spring Checks on Your System Make Sense

Take a cue from Mother Nature. Spring is a time for rebirth and renewal. Cold winter weather takes its toll on your vital HVAC equipment. Your heating system is coming off a vigorous workout, while your air conditioning needs to awake from hibernation. It makes sense to schedule a checkup in springtime before your a/c has to operate full bore during summer.

Here are some of the things our service technicians will focus on during a springtime checkup.

  • We’ll change air filters. HVAC filters should be changed monthly, though some filters can last four to six months. Dirty filters restrict air flow, reducing efficiency and jacking up energy bills. Longer term, dirty filters contribute to equipment breakdown. Most filters are inexpensive and this is something most home owners are capable of doing themselves, but surveys have found that fewer than half of home owners bother to do so. Two checkups leading into prime cooling and heating seasons will assure that it’s done at least twice a year.
  • We’ll clear the area around your outdoor condenser of dirt, leaves and other debris that accumulated over winter. This is one of the most important tasks to get your air conditioner ready for a heavy summer workout.
  • We’ll inspect electrical connections and measure voltage and current on motors. Poor motor performance often serves as a warning that your system is liable to break down when you need to crank it up on the hottest days.
  • We’ll lubricate all moving parts.
  • We’ll check and clean the condensate drain.
  • We’ll make sure the system starts and shuts off correctly.
  • We’ll clean air conditioning coils. A small amount of dirt on the coil can dramatically reduce efficiency and equipment life.
  • We’ll check refrigerant levels. If refrigerant is low, it may be a sign of leakage. Our technicians will check for leaks and recommend needed repairs.
  • We’ll clean blower parts.
  • We’ll check all fuel connections.

Your HVAC system is vital to your family’s health, safety and comfort. It also represents one of your most expensive household investments, next only to your automobile.  You wouldn’t think of going a year without an oil change and other routine maintenance on your car. Likewise, keeping your HVAC system in shape via routine maintenance can save you thousands of dollars in expensive repairs and operating costs.

Our heating professionals routinely detect and eliminate inefficiencies that can reduce fuel consumption by as much as 20%. Saving that much energy by itself will pay for the service call and then some.

Even more important, poorly maintained HVAC systems can lead to deadly carbon monoxide outbreaks once heating season comes around. Get in the habit of contacting us for springtime and fall system checkups that can save you money and bring you peace of mind.


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7 Tips for Spring and Your Comfort

Cleaning3A series of tasks that homeowners feel encouraged to do during this time of year we call spring cleaning. Inside the home this can include dusting under the beds, washing windows, cleaning carpets, dusting the baseboard moldings among other things. We are just tired of winter and ready to have everything bright and sparkling clean for the Spring and Summer season.

Outside Spring Cleaning tasks can include raking leaves that may have hung around, picking up paper and trash that showed up after the snow melted, removing covers off of shrubs and flower beds, and washing the windows on the outside.

Here are several things you can do to assure your plumbing pool heater and air conditioning systems are ready for the warmer weather.

  • First, you can remove the air conditioning cover off the outside unit and check the unit for any damage that may have happened during the winter months. Be sure the disconnect is energized. You can clean and weeds or debris that may have accumulated around the unit.Burton and Sons AC Installation
  • Next, look at the coil also and see if it may be partially plugged with cottonwood, or other debris. You may be able to clean the coil with a hose and sprayer. Be careful not to damage the fins on the coil. Also check for wasp, hornet or bee’s hives. Carefully use a proper insecticide and remove the hive.
  • Next, a coat of auto polish and wax will keep your unit looking nice all season. It’s a good time to do it while the temperatures are cool.
  • Next, replace the furnace filter if it has not been replaced in the last month. Air conditioning requires more airflow than the heating cycle so a clean filter is even more important during the cooling season.
  • Finally, if your air conditioning system has not been serviced in the last two years, it’s time to call for a system checkup to assure economically and steady operation when you need it. We have specials so call today!

Bonus Tips:
Burton and Sons Plumbing ServiveNow that the weather has warmed up, turn on the valves for the outside faucets. Carefully check for leaks that may have occurred do to freezing both inside and outside. Quickly turn the vales off if there is a split from freezing to avoid any water damage.

If you have a pool with a heater, you can remove the cover from your pool heater. Check the unit for any visible signs of damage that may have occurred during the winter months. Also be sure the disconnect is energized. The unit cabinet can be cleaned with a car polish and then waxed to protect the finish. Remove and debris, grass or shrubbery that may restrict airflow or access to the unit before it begins to grow even more obstructive. Kill any wasps or bees in the unit and remove the hives.

You too can find unique and helpful ways to save on your utilities each month. Just download our FREE eBook with 99+ ideas you can put into effect now to save. Many won’t cost you a dime to put into practice!

Phone us for more information or visit our website at

Burton & Sons Inc. is a customer focused plumbing, heating, and cooling service company that was originally started in 1979. Located in Garden City, MI, we employ highly trained people whose goal is to make our company the best service company in Metropolitan Detroit Area.

Check out these related articles:

Myths About Heating & Cooling your home!

How To Select A Contractor

Why Burton and Sons?


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99 Ways to Save Energy

Once upon a time there was a homeowner by the name of Tom. Tom worked hard for his paycheck, but had enough to cover the monthly expenses and have some left over to enjoy. Tom liked to take his wife Mary out to dinner and then to the latest movie. They traveled up north during the summer for a vacation and every other year they also took a trip to the sunny south during the cold winter to see Mickey Mouse and his crew. Tom was also able to put some dollars aside for retirement and the kid’s education.
Each month the utility bills would come and they like most other bills seemed to be growing faster than Tom’s paycheck. Tom gathered the family together and said, “We need to find a way to reduce our monthly bills or we will need to eliminate college saving or retirement saving or our leisure activities such as dining out, movies and vacations.” Tom and his family began shopping with coupons to save money. They drove the car less and replaced the gas guzzler with a car that got much better gas mileage. But they were frustrated on additional ways to save on their monthly bills. They began to look at the utility bills and decided it was time to attack the amount of energy and water they were using. But where do they look for a collection of energy saving tips that an average family in Michigan can use? Where do they find a list they can review and determine what fits their lifestyle?
Well they found the answer when they downloaded the “Burton & Sons 99 ways to save energy” and it was FREE! Now they are reviewing the list and implementing many of those ideas and seeing the energy usage and the monthly utility bills going down.
You too can find unique and helpful ways to save on your utilities each month. Just download our FREE eBook with 99+ ideas you can put into effect now to save. Many won’t cost you a dime to put into practice!

Phone us for more information or visit our website at

Burton & Sons Inc. is a customer focused plumbing, heating, and cooling service company that was originally started in 1979. Located in Garden City, MI, we employ highly trained people whose goal is to make our company the best service company in Metropolitan Detroit Area.

Check out these related articles:

Myths About Heating & Cooling your home!

How To Select A Contractor

Why Burton and Sons?


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Urgent Thermostat Recall

Urgent Recall for a popular thermostat

Below is the information to determine if your setback thermostat is included in this recall. If you have questions, please contact us.

Phone us for more information or visit our website at

Burton & Sons Inc. is a customer focused plumbing, heating, and cooling service company that was originally started in 1979. Located in Garden City, MI, we employ highly trained people whose goal is to make our company the best service company in Metropolitan Detroit Area.

Check out these related articles:

Myths About Heating & Cooling your home!

How To Select A Contractor

Why Burton and Sons?


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10 Ways to Save on Cool!

CallBurton.comThe recent issue of Money Magazine had a list of 10 ways to cut your cooling costs. Although it is not a complete list it contained some very good information. We have added additional thoughts that the article did not consider but will add to your comfort.

  1. Clean The Condenser Make sure shrubs, plants and ground cover are at least a foot away from the unit outside. Wash down the unit with a hose but be sure not to force debris between the coil fins.
  2. Replace Filters Replace the filter in your furnace at least twice a year. If you have pets or a lot of activity in your home it may be necessary to replace it much more often
  3. Plant a Tree If you plant a larger tree on the West or South side of your home, the shade can reduce cooling costs.
  4. Tighten Ductwork If your basement is considerably cooler that the rest of your house, it could be the ductwork in the basement is leaking the cool air into the basement and not allowing it to flow into the main areas of the home.
  5. Install Ceiling Fans Air movement helps us to feel cooler. Installation of ceiling fans can help circulate air in your home and provide more comfort. Just be sure to turn off fans in rooms you are not using and save energy.
  6. Use the Shades Closing window treatments on the South and West side of your home on sunny days can reduce solar heat gain. It can also reduce fading of carpeting and furnishings.
  7. Keep the Air Flowing Leave doors between rooms open to allow air flow. Also be sure vents are open and not covered with furniture or other stuff.
  8. Open Windows On cool nights or cool days it may make sense to open windows in your home. There are some risks here for home security and allow airborne allergens into your home.
  9. Upgrade If your unit is 10 years old or more replacing it with a new high efficiency unit can save you bucks this year.
  10. Get a Checkup Having a semi-annual checkup of your system by a qualified Technician can assure your unit is operating at the maximum efficiency for your unit.Comfortable2042014


If you need service on your system or are thinking about a replacement, call us today!

It’s a good time of year to have our trained experienced air conditioning Technicians solve your cooling problems whether you live in Canton, Plymouth, Northville, Livonia, or another Metro Detroit city..

Phone us for more information or visit our website at

Burton & Sons Inc. is a customer focused plumbing, heating, and cooling service company that was originally started in 1979. Located in Garden City, MI, we employ highly trained people whose goal is to make our company the best service company in Metropolitan Detroit Area.

Check out these related articles:

Myths About Heating & Cooling your home!

How To Select A Contractor

Why Burton and Sons?



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20 Heating, Cooling, Plumbing Tips for Spring

With a brutal winter coming to an end, spring is here. Although it is early to do some of these things, the list will help you prepare for summer and much warmer weather. Here are several tips to safe energy and unexpected surprises from your plumbing, heating, and air conditioning systems.

Dirty AC Unit

Spring Cleaning needed here

Your Heating & Cooling System

1.      As the snow melts away and you can again see that air conditioning unit in your backyard, clean debris, weeds, leaves, and branches from around the unit.

2.      If you have a cover on your unit, be sure to remove it, wash it and store for next winter use.

   As the temperatures warm, use a car polish and wax on the painted surfaces of your air conditioning unit to keep the finish from deteriorating.

4.      If the unit is out of level, gently level it so it will operate properly.

5.      If you shut the unit off, energize it by turning on the circuit breaker or replacing the fuse block. Don’t immediately start the unit up but allow a day for the system to “warm up”.

6.      Replace the filter in your furnace. When you are in air conditioning mode, the blower will be operating at a higher speed and needs to move more air to cool your home. A dirty filter is one of the issues that can quickly cause unit failure.

7.      Reset the humidifier for warmer temperatures. Check your owner’s manual for instructions.

8.      If you have a pump for condensate from the inside air conditioning coil, be sure it is plugged in.

9.      Check the point where the refrigerant lines enter the home for openings that may need to be caulked to prevent critters or outside air into the house. If you have a high efficiency furnace that vents to the side of your home, also check here for openings that may need caulking.

10.   If you have not reset your setback thermostat for daylight saving time, put out the manual and do it now.

11.   Finally the most important tip to assure you air conditioning system is in tiptop operating condition, call us today and schedule a spring tune-up by a qualified technician.

Sump Pump         Your Plumbing System

             Turn the water back on to outside spigots and careful check for any damage to the waterlines from freezing.

           Remove the cover of your sump pump pit (if you have a sump pump) and check to be sure debris or sand are not interfering with the pump intake.

3.      Also check the piping from the pump to the outside of your home for damage.

4.      Check the piping from your sump pump to be sure it wasn’t damaged from snow, ice or shoveling during the winter.

5.      Run your backup sump pump system to be sure it will operate properly if needed.

6.      Consider adding a backup sump pump system to your existing system if you don’t have one. With lots of melting snow this is an important item.

7.      Make sure your down spouts are set to put melting snow from your roof or spring rain away from the home so the sump pump will not have to operate as often.

8.      Check the point where the sump pump line leaves the home for openings that may need to be caulked to prevent critters or outside air into the house.  Also check for openings around the outside spigots that may need caulking.

9.      Call us to schedule your plumbing repairs or a complete system inspection and evaluation.

Phone us for more information or visit our website at

Burton & Sons Inc. is a customer focused plumbing, heating, and cooling service company that was originally started in 1979. Located in Garden City, MI, we employ highly trained people whose goal is to make our company the best service company in Metropolitan Detroit Area.

Check out these related articles:

Myths About Heating & Cooling your home!

How To Select A Contractor

Why Burton and Sons?


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Magical Duct Tape

Burton and Sons Heating and Air Conditioning

Duct Tape Shoes

Duct tape has become a household staple for repairs of all sorts. There is hardly an adult who hasn’t used it at some time or another to fix something flapping, broken or loose. Some even consider it magical. In fact the interest in duct tape has become so large that Jim and Tim, the Duct Tape Guys have written numerous books, give speeches, and have a website all about duct tape. There is such a cult following of duct tape fans that their books have sold over 1.5 million copies.

Many agree that adhesive tape, the fore runner of duct tape was invented in the 1920’s by 3M Company researchers led by Richard Drew. I’m not sure what people did before adhesive tape was invented. During World War II, the American military needed a strong, waterproof tape to keep moisture out of ammunition cases. You have heard the phrase, “You need to your powder dry.” A really important issue when you’re starring into the eyes of your enemy. Being waterproof, everyone referred to it as “duck” tape. This versatile tape became the universal “tool” that could be ripped by hand and used to make quick repairs to jeeps, aircraft, and other military equipment. Johnson and Johnson Company which had developed its own line of adhesive tapes, helped the war effort by combining cloth mesh (which rips easily) with a rubber-based adhesive, and then gave that combination of rubberized, waterproof coating.

Duct Tape Car Repair

Following the war, housing in the United States boomed, and many new homes featured forced-air heating and air-conditioning units that relied on duct work to distribute warmth and coolness. The strong military tape made the perfect material for binding and repairing duct work. By changing the color of the tape’s rubberized top coat from Army green to sheet metal gray, “duct” tape was born. Today this type of tape is no longer acceptable to seal or connect ductwork.

Duct tape consists of 3 layers. The top layer is a resilient plastic (Polyethylene). The middle layer is a fabric

Burton and Sons Plumbing

Duct Tape Fender

mesh, which facilitates tearing. And the bottom layer is a rubber-based adhesive. The 3 layers are pressed together during manufacture. Duct tape is commonly used in situations where a strong, flexible adhesive is required, especially where exposure to the elements is a concern. But over the years it has been used for a multitude of more zany situations including:

– repairing flat tires

– making men and women’s clothing

– restraining unruly prisoners

– Forts, costumes and toys for kids

– making tennis balls behave like cricket balls

– as a temporary bandage

– temporarily repairing spacecraft.

It now comes in hundreds of colors and patterns including your favorite team’s logos. What are some of the unique ways you have used duct tape?

Phone us for more information or visit our website at

Burton & Sons Inc. is a customer focused plumbing, heating, and cooling service company that was originally started in 1979. Located in Garden City, MI, we employ highly trained people whose goal is to make our company the best service company in Metropolitan Detroit Area.

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